2020 Summer: Play with Confidence (AM)
2020 Summer: Play with Confidence (AM)
Gain Confidence
Constructed & taught by Andrew
Very methodical and consolidating approach
Includes course book
Six set deals per week
Tuesdays 0945 - 1145
April 21: One: Balanced hands & tricks by force
April 28: Two: Responding to 1NT & tricks by length
May 5: Three: Using Trumps to establish a long suit
May 12: Four: Responder’s Support Line & Finesse
May 19: Five: Dustbin 1NT & when to delay trumps
May 26: Half Term (no class)
June 2: Six: Overcalling & Doubling
June 9: Seven: Defending Notrump contracts
June 16: Supervised Practice Session
June 23: Supervised Practice Session
June 30: Eight: Defending Trump contracts